Before & Afters
Before & After Pictures by Rhiana DeGennaro
The same professional level teeth whitening service most dentist offices use is now available with Rhiana. Results in this picture follow a one-hour session.
This patient had broken capillaries on the cheek area. Sun exposure, rosacea, alcohol consumption, weather, pregnancy and genes can result in capillary damage. Fortunately, they respond well to a series of IPL treatments.
Melasma is commonly called age spots and is typically caused by sun damage. We recommend a series of IPL treatments such as this patient received along with a prescriptive skincare regime. And…of course, sunscreen.
This Before & After follows three sessions of the Morpheus8 Radio Frequency Microneedling. As a licensed medical aesthetician, Rhiana DeGennaro prides herself on providing her patients with the very best results. This patient was very pleased and is now ready for summer vacation!!